01318nam a2200217Ia 4500001001000000100003400010101000800044200006700052210000900119215003100128300056100159608001300720650001800733700011100751801000700862856007700869857009000946909001101036920004001047991001301087Κ.685eng a20140611d9999 m y0grey0103 ga aeng1 aGentleman Reading a Newspaperb[Painting]fVaruccas Aristeidis d1882 a45 x 36 cm [Oil on canvas] aThis small work is a characteristic example of the wealthy bourgeois as well as of bourgeois portraiture in the latter half of the 19th century. In a hall lined with paintings, statues, furniture, rugs, an elegantly dressed bourgeois has paused reading his foreign newspaper and smoking his cigar in order to look to the right, perhaps towards an invisible to us door. The painting is skilfully and meticulously executed, but it is of more interest to us here for its content and meaning than for its quality, although the latter is very high nevertheless. aPainting aOil on canvas 1aVaruccas Aristeidisf(mid-19th century - ?)uhttps://www.nationalgallery.gr/en/artist/varuccas-aristeidis/ a59 uhttps://www.nationalgallery.gr/en/artwork/gentleman-reading-a-newspaper/ ahttps://www.nationalgallery.gr/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/61328_2000_2000-500x626.jpg aΚ.685 aΕ. Koutlidis Foundation Collection aPAINTING