01736nam a2200217Ia 4500001001100000100003400011101000800045200005900053210000900112215003100121300102500152608001401177650001101191700009001202801000701292856007201299857009001371909001201461920003201473991001301505Π.4085eng a20140611d9999 m y0grey0103 ga aeng1 aThe Healer (Le Therapeute)b[Sculpture]fMagritte Rene d1967 a145 x 128 x 90 cm [Bronze] a"The Healer" is one of the eight pictorial images that surrealist paint Rene Magritte translated into three-dimensional form. Magritte had a precise idea of what he wanted to achieve and went about finding the ideal means to execute these sculptures. For "The Healer" he made a plaster cast from the feet of a live model, and did the same for the bird cage. "The Healer" has a number of features characteristic to Magritte's enterprise, including the element of the unexpected, the extraordinary within the ordinary, and the mysterious. This sculpture, variations of which can be found in at least four of his paintings, came from a photograph that Magritte took in 1937, titled "God on the Eight Day". Although he was a painter, by translating eight paintings into sculptures, Magritte provided a different perspective on the function of objects and forms. Detached from the confines of the picture plane, they are placed in the space as autonomous presences and, through the change in scale, become different entities. aSculpture aBronze 1aMagritte Renef(1898 - 1967)uhttps://www.nationalgallery.gr/en/artist/magritte-rene/ a58 uhttps://www.nationalgallery.gr/en/artwork/the-healer-le-therapeute/ ahttps://www.nationalgallery.gr/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/65843_2000_2000-500x652.jpg aΠ.4085 aDonated by Alexandros Iolas aPAINTING